
作者: 审核人: 访问量:13688发布时间:2018-09-06


欢迎报考硕博士生,有意报考博士的请先阅读https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/ftnvL6EmuP9OiMqhT_En9A 以及https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/R_LdSsJO-B6DLc4vPmpGAg 更多内容包括毕业生就业情况详见个人主页http://faculty.nuaa.edu.cn/yyq/zh_CN/index.htm 合作共赢,共创未来。实验室硕博毕业生就业很好。硕士毕业生可以从事电机驱动控制硬件或算法工程师、电力电子变换器及其控制硬件或算法工程师、芯片公司AE/FAE、嵌入式/DSP硬件开发工程师(前述几类职位收入高且“35岁现象”不明显)、软件工程师等软硬件岗位。2022年秋研三的四位同学都找到了好工作:周同学、刘同学签了杭州某准上市企业做OBC开发,给了税前37.5+8万签字费,就是说第一年能拿到45.5万;王同学签了苏州某上市企业,32万+10万签字费,不加班;徐同学签了合肥某准上市企业,32.2~34.5万,5.5天工作制。2024年毕业的硕士生吕同学签约某上市企业苏州分公司34.5万....。过往毕业博士就业高校层次较高,博士毕业生亦可去高科技企业发展。可以资助硕士生3年内参加1次学术会议,可以资助博士生每年去参加1次学术会议。毕业后不打算从事本实验室相关方向工作的硕博士考生,请勿报考。




1.叶永强, 赵强松, 竺明哲, 武玉衡, 董昊, 陈赛男, 单相逆变器的重复控制技术, 科学出版社, 2022.10, ISBN 978-7-03-071918-8.

2.Chen(博士生) and Y. Ye*, Robust H∞ Active Damping Filter with Preserved Resonant Peak for Resonant Harmonic Suppression, Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, in print.

3.S. Chen(博士生) and Y. Ye*, H∞ Active damping filter design for LCL-type grid-tied inverter under additive and multiplicative perturbations, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, in print.

4.G. Zhang, Q. Zhao*, Y. Ye, A. Wang, S. Wen, and Y. Wang, Feedforward repetitive control for grid-tied inverters in microgrids: Analysis, design, and verification, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, in print.

5.S. Chen(博士生), Q. Zhao*, Y. Ye, and B. Qu, Using IIR filter in fractional order phase lead compensation PIMR-RC for grid-tied inverters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 9399-9409, Sept 2023.

6.F. Xu(硕士生), M. Zhu, and Y. Ye*, The stability of LCL-type grid-tied inverter based on repetitive control and grid voltage feed-forward, IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 1496-1506, Apr 2023.

7.Y. Xiong*, Y. Ye, and M. Zhu,UDE-Based Current Controller With Enhanced Grid-Frequency Fluctuation Adaptability for LCL-type Grid-tied Inverters, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 1683-1691, Feb, 2023.

8.M. Zhu(博士生), Y. Ye*, Y. Xiong, and Q. Zhao, Multi-bandwidth repetitive control resisting frequency variation in grid-tied inverters, Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 446-454, Feb 2022.

9.M. Zhu(博士生), Y. Ye*, Y. Xiong, and Q. Zhao, Parameter robustness improvement for repetitive control in grid-tied inverters using IIR filter, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 8454-8463, Jul 2021.

10.Y. Xiong(博士生), Y. Ye*, Y. Cao, and Y. Wu, Separate-structure UDE-based current resonant control strategy on LCL-type grid-tied inverters with weighted-average current method for improved injected current quality and robustness, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 13641-13651, Dec 2020.

11.Y. Cao(硕士生), Q. Zhao, Y. Ye*, and Y. Xiong, ADRC-based current control for grid-tied inverters: Design, analysis, and verification, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,  vol. 67, no. 10, pp. 8428-8437, Oct 2020.

12.Y. Wu(硕士生) and Y. Ye*, Discrete-time modified UDE-based current control for LCL-type grid-tied inverters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 2143-2154, Mar 2020.

13.Y. Xiong(博士生) and Y. Ye*, Physical interpretations of grid voltage full feedforward for grid-tied inverter, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems--II: Express Briefs, vol.66, no. 2, pp. 267-271, Feb 2019.

14.Y. Ye*, G. Xu(博士生), Y. Wu(硕士生), and Q. Zhao, Optimized switching repetitive control of CVCF PWM inverters, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 6238-6247, Jul 2018.

15.Y. Wu(硕士生) and Y. Ye*, Internal model based disturbance observer with application to CVCF PWM inverter, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 7, pp. 5743-5753, Jul 2018.

16.Y. Ye* and Y. Xiong(博士生), UDE-based current control strategy for LCCL-type grid-tied inverters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 65, no. 5, pp. 4061-4069, May 2018.

17.Q. Zhao(博士生) and Y. Ye*, A PIMR-type repetitive control for a grid-tied inverter: Structure, analysis, and design, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 2730-2739, Mar 2018.

18.Y. Ye*, Y. Wu(硕士生), G. Xu, and B. Zhang, Cyclic repetitive control of CVCF PWM DC-AC converters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 9399-9409, Dec 2017.

19.J. Ren(硕士生), Y. Ye*, G. Xu, Q. Zhao, and M. Zhu, Uncertainty and disturbance estimator-based current control scheme for PMSM drives with a simple parameter tuning algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 5712-5722, Jul 2017.

20.Q. Zhao(博士生) and Y. Ye*, Fractional phase lead compensation RC for an inverter: Analysis, design, and verification, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 3127-3136, Apr 2017.




课程教学:电机与控制元件(电机与拖动基础)- 专业必修课

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