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GE全球研发中心首席工程师Manoj Shah 博士访问我院并做报告

作者:许彦武     审核人: 访问量:18发布时间:2017-06-19

2017617日下午,美国GE全球研发中心首席工程师、IEEE尼古拉·特斯拉奖获得者、IEEE Life FellowManoj Shah博士应邀访问自动化学院,并在将军路校区自动化学院3号楼报告厅做学术报告。会议由自动化学院院长助理张卓然教授主持,自动化学院30余名师生参加了报告会。


报告会中,Dr. Manoj Shah 系统地介绍了他在GE全球研发中心工作的34年中研发的诸多电机系统研发项目:包括工况从-233° C300° C,压力从1帕斯卡到300帕斯卡,功率等级从几kW1GW, 转速从10r/min30000r/min的多种高性能电机系统,应用领域涵盖航空、航海、汽车、油气钻探等。Dr. Manoj Shah还与师生们分享了他GE公司34年科研和工作生涯中的经验和感悟。Dr. Manoj Shah与师生进行了热烈交流。


会后,Manoj Shah博士在张卓然教授陪同下参观了多电飞机电气系统工信部重点实验室,就高功率密度高效电机系统研究进行了深入讨论。Manoj Shah博士的来访与交流对于促进我校电气学科与国际顶尖研究结构交流合作、了解工业界前沿技术需求有重要意义。





Dr. Manoj Shah, Life Fellow of IEEE, received his B.Tech. (Honors) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India. He received MS and Ph.D. from Virginia Tech. He retired in May 2016 as a Principle Engineer from GE’s Global Research Center after almost 34 years with GE. He spent his career working on electrical devices with the main focus on electric machines. He has ~70 US and many foreign patents with several pending. He has also authored/co-authored over 45 technical papers; some of them have been prize papers. He has been active in the Electric Machines area for IEEE in various capacities and is a past chair of our Schenectady section. He received the 2015 IEEE Gerald Kliman award, the 2012 GE-GRC Coolidge Fellowship award, the 2012 IEEE Nikola Tesla award and the 1991 GE-Power’s Most Outstanding Technical Contribution Award. He now works as a consultant and will be joining Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY as a Professor in August 2017.






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